Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What happens in Timnath, stays in Timnath.

Sure, the Bible is known for its monopoly on melodrama and morality plays, but as usual, we underestimate its utility. It's got some really good porn too! Well, I guess it's really more like soap opera, but you get the picture. The best example I've found so far has got be Genesis 38. It would give The Young and the Restless a real run for its money, but instead of Victor and Genoa City, we have Judah and Timnath.

When last we saw Judah, he was selling off his baby brother Joseph

Friday, January 21, 2011

Robber Goat

This may be my all-time favorite news article from a couple of years back.
Police in Nigeria are holding a goat handed to them by a vigilante group, which said it was a car thief who had used witchcraft to change shape.
The article also explains that
Police have also been unable to stop vigilante squads from lynching suspects before they could investigate
which makes me wonder how this particular car thief avoided ending up on the dinner table.


Tough Love

In our modern rush to embrace the so-called "scientific" approach to raising children by quacks like Dr. Benjamin Spock, I believe we have overlooked the greatest model parent known to man. I speak, of course, of the Lord God. This post seeks to mine His word for as many gems as can be found in hope that we might be guided through the mine-field that parenting seems to be these days. Do chicken McNuggets make our kids fat? Does childhood videogaming produce violent adults? Who the hell knows. But one thing's for sure - give those little bastards an inch, and they'll take a mile.

Our Heavenly "Father" crushes many of the myths that get shoe-horned into our brains by liberal hack journalists like those down the street at Parenting magazine.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

That Yahweh's got me in stitches

You might say that God has come under a little criticism lately for the so-called “wrathful” way in which he set early humans on the straight and narrow. But here are a few quotes from the heart of the Pentateuch that show he has a fun side too!
Behold, I will corrupt your seed and spread dung upon your faces… [Malachi 2:3]
Snap! That must be where the old pie-in-the-face joke came from. And how about this practical joke on the Egyptians?